(Am I a good friends?) HOW DO I DEAL WITH MY FRIENDS WHO ARE ALWAYS DEPENDING ON ME FOR LECTURE NOTES ? You should feel good as it means that your notes are good, easy to understand and that your friends fine you trustworthy. Do remember that if you help others God will help you. Regard it as a way of helping your friends who is not as organised as you are. Remember that studying medicine is like going to a war where everybody has to work as a team to get the victory, i.e. having a degree in medicine. It is a degree with which you can serve the community better and help to increase the standard of health care in this country. Remember that today your friends need your lecture notes, another day you may need their notes because none of us can be sure that we can maintain and enjoy good health all the time. A day may come when you are unwell and need your friends' help with the notes for the missed lectures. Furtherm